Web3 is the latest trend in technology everyone wants to explore and utilize in different use cases across multiple industries. It is the third phase in the evolution of the internet and focuses largely on entrusting ownership and control of data to users. Aspiring professionals who want to become web3 developers would have the opportunity to capitalize on multiple career benefits. For example, the average salary of a web3 developer is more than software developers in conventional web2 roles. 

On the other hand, the journey of becoming a web3 developer is quite complicated and challenging. The web3 developer roadmap requires an emphasis on a broad range of skills and important best practices for becoming web3 developers. The following post offers you a detailed review of the important resources you can explore with Polygon blockchain for becoming a web3 developer.

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What is a Web3 Developer?

The first thing you need to prepare plans for becoming web3 developer points directly at the definition of the role. What do you have to do as a web3 developer? You can pursue a web3 developer roadmap with the initial milestone set on learning the fundamentals of web3. First of all, you must notice that web3 is a set of principles that would govern the development and operations of the next phase of the internet. 

It would utilize blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, AI and machine learning, IoT, and connectivity technologies to offer secure and decentralized web experiences. Machine learning and AI can help in developing adaptive and intelligent applications for revolutionizing the internet. 

Web3 developers are responsible for creating applications that could work according to the principles of web3 and offer user benefits. It is important to understand that you would come across different roles and responsibilities with web3 programming. You should learn about the types of web3 developer jobs and responsibilities associated with the different roles. 

For example, you can find core web3 developers as well as web3 software developers in the job market for web3 professionals. In addition, the web3 job market also offers roles such as smart contract engineers and backend developers.

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What are the Responsibilities of Web3 Developers?

The definition of web3 showcases a brief impression of what a web3 developer does in different industries. From a general perspective, you can define the primary responsibility of web3 developers as the creation of web3 applications

The search for web3 developer skills would require a clear overview of important job responsibilities for web3 developers. The primary task of core web3 developers focuses on the development and maintenance of blockchain systems. In addition, web3 developers also design protocols, monitor the network and create new security patterns. 

The work of web3 software developers focuses on developing applications on existing blockchain networks. Web3 software developers also take responsibility for management and maintenance of front-end and back-end components of web3 apps. 

Web3 software developers have to create DeFi, metaverse, NFT, play-to-earn games, and GameFi applications. The average web3 developer salary estimate varies from $120,000 to $230,000 for different web3 roles. For example, smart contract engineers in web3 companies could earn an average annual salary of almost $325,000 in senior roles.

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Skills Required to Become Web3 Developers 

The task of preparing for web3 developer roles is considerably challenging and requires multiple skills to achieve your dream job. You would need multiple skills to achieve excellence in web3 careers. Let us take a look at the important skills that you would need to become a web3 developer. 

  • Fundamental Concepts of Blockchain

The most important priority among skills required for web3 developer jobs points to basic concepts of blockchain. Basic concepts in blockchain technology, such as consensus algorithms, peer-to-peer networking, and decentralization, help you find out the impact of blockchain on web3

Aspiring web3 developers must also learn about the best practices for the architecture and optimization of smart contracts. Most important of all, you should emphasize the abilities of blockchain for decentralized and secure data storage to support web3 applications

  • Basic Details about Decentralized Applications 

The components and working of decentralized applications or dApps are also important highlights in the skill requirements for web3 developers. Candidates should familiarize themselves with leading technologies for dApp development, such as JavaScript frameworks, including Angular, React, Rust, Solana, Ethereum, and Solidity

  • Software Testing Skills

The outline of important web3 developer skills would also point to expertise in software testing. You can capitalize on the advantages of security with smart contracts that cannot be changed after being deployed on the blockchain. Therefore, it is important to learn about the important tools for evaluating and testing smart contracts and dApps before launching web3 apps. 

Software auditing is one of the trusted skills for improving the resume of an aspiring web3 developer. It ensures that the web3 app development lifecycle follows specific standards, requirements, rules, and regulations. Effective software auditing ensures that web3 offers a web experience with more security for user assets. 

  • Conventional Programming Skills

You would also need the skills for creating web2 apps with the help of skills in frontend and backend programming. For example, you would need skills in JavaScript frameworks and the necessary tools for creating user interfaces that deliver value to users. 

At the same time, you can become web3 developer only with the vision of identifying new opportunities for problem-solving. As a web3 developer, you would have to look at problems from different viewpoints, evaluate the available resources and identify your important goals.

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How Can Polygon Help You Become a Web3 Developer?

The recommended web3 developer roadmap for every aspiring professional would showcase the important skills you need for the job. You can also use the roadmap to learn about important responsibilities for the job and the career benefits. However, it is important to create a roadmap with an outline of the important training resources to learn web3 development. Interestingly, Polygon offers you a promising platform for learning the basics of web3 development with multiple resources. 

You can acquire web3 developer skills through training resources spanning different sections focused on web3 application development. The training resources by Polygon help you access insights on web3 programs and tutorials on smart contracts and tokenization. Polygon also offers general tutorials as well as resources that shed light on the fundamentals of Ethereum development. Let us explore the distinct highlights in each section of training resources for web3 developers on Polygon. 

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Learning Web3 Programs

One of the most attractive highlights of Polygon is the direct emphasis on learning web3 programs. Candidates searching for responses to “How to Become a Web3 Developer” could use the links offered by Polygon to learn web3 skills. The three distinct options to learn web3 programs with Polygon include Alchemy University, Dapp University, and Consensys Academy Developer Program. Let us uncover more details about these resources to develop your web3 expertise. 

1. Alchemy University

The most comprehensive learning resource required to familiarize with web3 fundamentals would point at Alchemy University. It can offer free access to learning resources on coding, web3, and practical web3 development projects. You can prepare for web3 developer jobs from scratch or switch careers to web3 by using the training courses recommended by Alchemy University. The courses offered by Alchemy University include, 

The training resources at Alchemy University give you the boost required for coding in one of the most popular programming languages. Subsequently, you can dive deeper into the basics of web3 development, including the topics of cryptography and smart contracts.

Finally, the training path at Alchemy University for web3 developers focuses on learning about the development of NFT smart contracts, DeFi apps, NFT marketplaces, and web3 dApps. Another promising highlight of Alchemy University for aspiring web3 developers is the accessibility of starter code templates. Learners can use readily usable templates for creating new prototypes for their projects without any costs. 

2. Consensys Academy Blockchain Developer Program

Consensys is one of the leaders in the field of web3, particularly for its efforts in boosting Ethereum development projects. The Consensys Academy introduced the first Developer Program in 2017 and has modified the program to accommodate the growing demand for expert blockchain developers

Interestingly, the Consensys Academy Blockchain Developer Program is an on-demand course that helps in earning web3 developer skills from scratch. The syllabus for the blockchain developer program includes blockchain and Ethereum basics as well as details of Solidity fundamentals and smart contract development. 

3. Dapp University

Polygon also helps aspiring web3 developers in finding the right direction for their career with Dapp University, a YouTube channel. It is one of the most popular platforms in the web3 community for learning about blockchain and web3 development. You can use the videos on the Dapp University channel as free training courses to learn how to build web3 applications

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Tutorials on Smart Contract Development and Tokenization

The impressive highlight about Polygon as a trusted platform for finding out ‘How to Become a Web3 Developer’ would point to tutorials for smart contracts and tokens. Interestingly, the tutorials choose selected topics that could help web3 developers in achieving professional excellence. 

First of all, you can start with a tutorial on deploying smart contracts on Polygon, followed by a tutorial for creating basic smart contracts. The tutorials will also help you learn about the applications of Remix IDE for deploying a smart contract. Polygon would also help you learn the best practices for the creation of ERC-20 tokens, followed by a guide on creating non-fungible tokens

  • General Tutorials

The important learning resources on web3 development by Polygon also include general tutorials. You can find a full stack dApp development tutorial and a Truffle tutorial among the general tutorials by Polygon for web3 developers. The full stack dApp tutorial series is a crucial tool to help you become web3 developer by identifying the different components of the tech stack. It can help you find the important tools you would need for creating web3 apps. Subsequently, the detailed guide for using Truffle to create and deploy smart contracts also support web3 developers. 

You can learn how to set up the development environment, create a Truffle project and write smart contracts in Truffle. Furthermore, you must learn the best practices for compilation and migration of the smart contract, followed by testing. The Truffle tutorial serves valuable insights on methods for creating user interfaces for interactions with a smart contract. Aspiring web3 developers can also use the Truffle tutorial to learn how to interact with dApps in a browser. 

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  • Basics of Ethereum Development 

The important highlights among the resources available on basics of web3 development by Polygon also include a section on basics of Ethereum development. You would have to build web3 developer skills by identifying and understanding every element in the web3 developer stack. In addition, you could also find tutorials on integrations of IPFS with Ethereum and basic guides on Ethereum. The links offered by Polygon to tutorials on Ethereum development also help you develop fluency in Ethereum development practices.

Special Considerations for Becoming Web3 Developer with Polygon

Polygon blockchain offers a broad range of training resources to help aspiring web3 developers earn the necessary skills. However, you must move beyond the web3 developer salary estimate to identify your goals for a career in web3 development. Find out why web3 development interests you or aligns with your existing skills. Make a list of your web3 developer career goals and follow your preparation schedule with accountability. In the long run, you must practice accountability in your preparations for completing the required learning outcomes. 

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Bottom Line

The overview of important training resources by Polygon proves that it can offer a detailed guide to becoming a web3 developer. You can learn the basics of web3 development, such as Ethereum development fundamentals and the functionalities of important tools required for creating web3 apps. At the same time, you can use different tools such as Remix IDE and Truffle Suite for creating web3 apps. 

Polygon also helps you learn about the methods for creating ERC-20 tokens and NFTs alongside best practices for creating and deploying smart contracts. The tutorials on web3 development by Polygon could serve as important additions to the roadmap of an aspiring web3 developer. Find the most comprehensive training resources on web3 concepts and prepare for jobs in web3 development now.

Advance your Career with Blockchain & Web3 Skills

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