Blockchain is a term applied to a wide family of technologies ranging from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to more general distributed ledger technologies which are not Blockchains in the technical sense. What unites these technologies is that they all provide infrastructure for a class of applications called distributed, or sometimes decentralised applications. It’s these applications that generate value, not the infrastructure.

Some such applications, like money, trade, settlement, or asset tracking are relatively well understood, and are seeing adoption, but many use-cases are largely unexplored. To unlock these opportunities, both technology providers and industry need a mental shift away from infrastructure and towards applications. Furthermore, development and adoption have to be de-risked to make Blockchain a viable choice for large scale long lived projects.

Join this webinar hosted by 101 blockchain to learn from the vast experience of Digital Asset, creators of DAML, the technology used to replace the backbone of Australia’s cash equity market. The webinar will explore the concept of distributed applications, look at some use-cases far beyond finance, and discuss the major developments over the next one to two years which drive wide adoption and open the door to completely new business models.

This Webinar on Building Business Opportunities With Distributed Applications is hosted by 101 Blockchains:

  • Bernhard Elsner, Product Lead DAML, Digital Asset
  • Enrico Camerinelli, VP Research at 101 Blockchains

Webinar Discussion Topics:

  • Distributed Applications
  • “Non-traditional” use-cases
  • De-risking Blockchain

This webinar is available only to premium members. Become a member now to watch this webinar.