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Introduction To Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

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Trusted by employees at leading organizations


  • Learn how to explain DeFi to your clients and colleagues

  • Understand what is the scope and purpose of DeFi

  • Become an enterprise DeFi expert


Blockchain introduced many innovative advancements across a wide range of industries and use cases. The biggest impact of blockchain has been evident in the sector of finance, and DeFi is proof of the same. With the new Introduction to DeFi course, we aim to help you understand the scope and goals of DeFi. 

As the popularity of decentralized applications continues to grow, the demand for DeFi solutions has also increased drastically. DeFi has the potential to transform finance altogether, and our fundamental course will help you start your journey to become a DeFi expert. 

The primary objective of the new introductory course on DeFi is to create a solid knowledge base for DeFi expertise while navigating every aspect of the DeFi ecosystem. In this course, you would not only learn about DeFi and its benefits but also the underlying technology, the ecosystem, and the risks associated with it.


What We Will Cover To Help You Build Your DeFi Expertise

  • How to explain DeFi to your clients and colleagues (and why should you do it)

  • What is the scope and purpose of DeFi

  • How DeFi tools and products are already being used today

  • Building your career in DeFi without being necessarily a trader

  • Become an enterprise DeFi expert

This Training Course Is For You Because...

  • You want to grow your professional career in a new engaging market.

  • You want your profile to be more appealing to potential new clients or hiring managers.

  • You feel that your technical background needs to be enhanced with more business-related skills that will allow you to engage with business decision-makers and convince them you can resolve their problems.

Course Curriculum

101 Blockchains


  • Consultants of financial services

  • Smart contract developers

  • Advisors and counselors of enterprise executives

  • Freelancers who want to diversify their competitive advantage

Close the Skill Gap

The Introduction To Decentralized Finance (DeFi) course is a credible and effective resource that offers a unique educational tool for everyone interested in learning about decentralized finance. The DeFi course on 101 Blockchains closes the skill gap between DeFi education and real-life practices. Expand your understanding of DeFi from the perspective of an expert with our interactive exercises, demo videos, and whiteboard sessions.

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defi fundamentals

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